31 Aug 2014, Prof Rejaie Awarded $500K NSF Grant to Study Internet Connectivity
Understanding the many facets of Internet connectivity is generally considered to be of critical importance for meaningfully assessing real-worl...
31 Aug 2014, Professor Lowd Awarded NSF EAGER Grant to Fund Research in Machine Learning...
Assistant Professor Daniel Lowd was recently awarded an NSF EAGER grant, which will fund preliminary research on using machine learning in adver...
31 Aug 2014, Dr. Michel A. Kinsy Joins the CIS Department
Dr. Michel A. Kinsy joined the Computer and Information Science Department in August, 2014. Michel received his Ph.D in Electrical Engineering a...
31 Aug 2014, 2014 Incubating Interdisciplinary Initiatives Award presented to team led by Professor Jun...
An interdisciplinary team led by CIS Prof. Jun Li has been awarded the 2014 Incubating Interdisciplinary Initiatives (I3) award, sponsored by th...
15 Apr 2014, Colin Koopman receives RIGE Award
Colin Koopman is a co-recipient, along with six colleagues from other units, of an “Incubating Interdisciplinary Initiatives (I3)” award from Re...